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The Renaissance Singers is a specialist chamber choir that has brought the best in Renaissance vocal music to audiences in Britain for over 80 years.

Founded in London in 1944, the choir was a pioneer in the 20th century early music revival. Under its current Musical Director David Allinson, the choir maintains a busy schedule of performances, workshops and recordings.


Performing Renaissance music that others do not, and aiming to engage wider audiences, the choir strives for the highest musical standards in all it does. Its programmes offer unique paths of discovery for singers and audiences alike.


“Not only was the performance outstanding, but the choice of music, much of it being heard for the first time in the UK, was a brilliant choice by their inspirational musical director and conductor David Allinson… they are currently at the top of their game, with excellent and well-drilled singers.”

Andrew Benson-Wilson


Sing Joyfully

The Renaissance Singers at 80

Saturday 29 June 2024   
6.00 pm

St George’s Church Bloomsbury
London WC1A 2SA
Featuring The San Trovaso Consort
Conducted by David Allinson

London, June 1944. A newly formed choir gives its first concert ...

8 0 T H    A N N I V E R S A R Y    

Monday 8 July, 7:00pm - 9:30pm

St Stephen's, Rochester Row, London SW1P 1LE

What Renaissance music would you take to your desert island?

David Allinson has been our MD since the start of 2010. He has devised dozens of concert programmes and led us through hundreds of rehearsals. As part of our 80th anniversary celebrations, we've asked him to nominate a handful of highlight works from his years with the choir and to include them in this celebratory evening workshop.


The Renaissance Singers' 80th anniversary workshop

Led by David Allinson

Pieces of a Lifetime

J O I N    U S

We are currently recruiting altos.


If you're an excellent sight-reader and are confident singing in smaller groups, unaccompanied, we'd love you to hear from you.

J O I N    O U R    M A I L I N G   L I S T

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