R e c o r d i n g s
The Renaissance Singers, directed by David Allinson
with William Whitehead - organ
In 2010 The Renaissance Singers took part in the BBC Performing Arts Fund ‘Choral Ambition’ scheme and received a grant for a special project of the choir’s own devising. The idea behind our ‘Unearthing Treasures’ project was to select some Renaissance music not currently available in a modern scholarly edition and commission a fresh edition from the choir’s musical director David Allinson.
Our chosen work was The ‘Flat’ Service by Jacobean composer Edmund Hooper, which survived in one source as an incomplete organist’s prompt. The Renaissance Singers gave the premiere at The Priory Church of St John, Clerkenwell, on 30 September 2010.
A recording of The ‘Flat’ Service, other works by Hooper and a selection of other pieces from the choir’s recent repertoire were recorded in April 2012 and are now available from Amazon, iTunes and other digital music retailers.

Track Listing
2.Behold, it is Christ
3.Magnificat from The Flat Service
4.Nunc Dimitis from The Flat Service
5.The Blessed Lamb
6.Sitivit anima mea
7.Kyrie from Missa ‘Sine Nomine‘ **
8.Gloria from Missa ‘Sine Nomine‘ **
9.Agnus Dei
from Missa ‘Hercules Dux Ferrariae‘
** Mouton Missa ‘Sine Nomine‘ edited by Thomas MacCracken
William Byrd (1540 – 1623)
Edmund Hooper (c.1553 – 1621)
Manuel Cardoso (1566 – 1650)
Jean Mouton (c.1459 – 1522)
Josquin des Prez (c.1450 – 1521)