From the Conductor's Stand - Episode 2
Victoria's Salve Regina
Pour yourself something bubbly and relax as our Musical Director, David Allinson, celebrates Victoria’s effervescent Salve Regina a8. Looking at its structure, context and meaning, and he enthuses about this seminal work aided by Jim Bowen, a paternoster lift and some delicious continental ice cream.
This is the second in our series, 'From the Conductor's Stand'. We know our audience includes many knowledgeable people who know and love this repertoire, so this is a chance to look a little deeper at individual works, in the company of a friendly guide. The talks are not intended to be comprehensive or overly academic; they offer one informed view of a piece, a ‘way in’ for those who wish to deepen their experience of singing and hearing this music. We hope that you enjoy this video!
We *did* say that future talks would be slicker as David learns how to make videos but ... this is also a one-take wonder - just with a couple of clonking edits (see if you can spot them!).
The live performance referred to is here:
⭐️ The edition of the Salve Regina is here:
https://www.uma.es/victoria/originales.html (you may need to copy and paste this link into a new browser window)
⭐️ The facsimiles of Victoria's original print is here:
In common with many musical groups, we were unable to perform during the lockdown owing to restrictions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time we found alternative ways of bringing Renaissance music to you, which we hope to continue now that we are back to live performance.
We are incredibly grateful to our generous supporters for their kind donations over recent months, which have helped to sustain the choir. Any donations you feel able to give us will enable us to continue to bring you online content and to present concerts now that restrictions allow.